Thursday 1 July 2010

Baby Orli!

Today was amazing because I finally met my new baby cousin Orli Mia Ruben. She is absolutely gorgeous. I am in love! This afternoon Uncle Jack took me to Stefani's and I spent over four hours there! I held the baby for a long time, she slept in my arms for a little while, it was so precious. It was so great to see Tamar, she is in town from Israel to help out with the baby for a couple weeks. Tamar made an awesome lunch and we just sat around and played with the baby and freaked out over every little sound and burp and smile. It was a great afternoon, just us girls: Orli, Stef, Mich, Tamar, and myself. After leaving Stefani's apartment, Michele and I went to Trader Joe's and got lots of stuff to make dinner. Michele and I made my fave. Rachel Ray tomato-watermelon salad and we made cous cous and Dave grilled hot dogs. I really screwed up the cous cous and it got all burnt and crunchy so we had to make a different box :(. I felt really bad because I had such a ditz moment and thought that "lite" on the stove meant that the flame was lower. Oops. I'm used to electric stoves! Thank goodness Mich had another box in the pantry but we had our hearts set on the Israeli style cous cous and we had to settle for the pre-seasoned "Near East" box. Oh well. After dinner we watched "So You Think You Can Dance" and Entourage. Tomorrow Michele and I are going to Bed Bath and Beyond so I can get some stuff I need, but mainly so I can buy myself and my mother these fancy onion-cutting glasses. Check them out if you've never seen them, they're awesome! They are like these special goggles that you wear when you cut onion so that your eyes don't water and burn, they actually work. Tomorrow evening Michele and I are going over to Stefani's for Shabbat dinner. Shalom is still out of town so it'll just be the girls again. I love Tamar's cooking, can't wait for an Israeli style Shabbos dinner!

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