Saturday 3 July 2010

Meet the Blecher's

Yesterday was great, Michele and I woke up and made an awesome breakfast. We cooked over easy eggs and faux sausage patties and put them on a toasted english muffin with melted havarti cheese. It was the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Then we made a fruit salad with watermelon, banana, and blueberries, and to top it off, we had delicious french press coffee with foamed milk and cinnamon. After breakfast, Michele and I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and I bought a few things that I need for my room at Jack and Barb's. I got some rolling plastic drawers, some hooks, and this shelving thing that hangs in the closet to give me some room for t-shirts and other things I don't want to hang up. After that, Mich had to go to the graduation at the school she worked at so I went back to her house and showered and then rode her bike to main street. I got a manicure and pedicure at this great place, it's only $20 for both! It was fun to ride the beach cruiser around, I really felt like a local. When I got back, Michele and I went to Stefani's around 7:30 for Shabbat dinner. Tamar made a beautiful Shabbos meal which was lentil soup, chicken with potatoes and brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, apple compote, brownies, and of course challah and wine. It was nice to have dinner together, I felt like I was back in Israel eating at her house on Friday nights. We toasted to Orli's 1-month birthday (which was yesterday)! Orli is so amazing, I love her more and more by the second. We didn't end up getting home until after midnight and we were exhausted.

This morning I woke up early and got ready to go meet the family I'll be nannying for. When I got to their home I was greeted by the family with hugs and excitement. We played with Luke, who is 2 yrs. old, and we talked about what a typical day will be like working for them. I'll get to their house in the morning at about 8:30 and take Luke to pre-school (he goes to a Jewish pre-school at the temple near their house), then I come back to their house and I have about three hours before I need to go back and pick him up. During that time I can really do whatever I want. I will straighten up after him a little bit and do some of his laundry but nothing heavy duty when it comes to housekeeping stuff. Then I can just watch t.v. or nap, or whatever. I'm definitely going to take my stuff to study for the GRE and also take my grad. school applications to work on during that time. I'm even considering taking an online class at the community college that's close, we'll see though. So after picking Luke up from pre-school I'll bring him home and give him his nap and then we'll spend the rest of the day playing. They have a park near their house and Luke loves to play with water and he has a bunch of sprinkler toys in his backyard. I think it's going to be a really good fit, they're very sweet people and we got along great. Now, I'm just kind of hanging out at Mich and Dave's, I think sushi is in store for dinner tonight. Can't wait.

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