Thursday 29 July 2010

Vegas Vacation!

Well, I'm finally in LA and all moved-in, almost. There is still crap all over my room but I'm working pretty hard to get everything put away and organized. The past week-ish I spent in Las Vegas at Robert and Steve's house.Mitch even met us in Vegas too! He lives in Atlanta and flew in so that he'd be able to join in on all the fun! Vegas was a lot of fun. I didn't party too much and didn't even go to the strip but it was great to spend so much time with Steve, Mitch, Michael, Robert and Mindy. Steve's friends are really awesome too and I loved hanging out with them and getting to know them better. We did a lot of swimming, laying out, going out to eat, and more swimming. On Thursday, July 22nd, I arrived in Vegas at about 9pm. Steve picked me up from the airport and we went over to Brandyn's house where we met up with him and Lance, Jackie, Rashaun, Chi, and CJ. We just chilled out and watched tv and sat outside. Friday night Steve had to work and Mitch and I spent the day at Mike's pool and then we went out to dinner at a mediterranean restaurant.
Jackie, Steve, Mitch, Me

After dinner Chi, Steve, and I met up with a ton of people at this grand opening of a club in Town Square. It wasn't really my kind of scene but it was nice to be with so many people and it was fun just talking and getting to know more of Steve's friends. Saturday afternoon, Steve and I went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory with Mindy and Marcia. We had so much food it was disgusting, we didn't eat for the rest of the day. On Saturday night Chi and I hung out at Outback for a bit while Steve was working and then went to Mike's place and went swimming.
Steve, Me, Nate, Mindy, Liza, Mitch and Hazel the dog.

Sunday morning was awesome because Mindy and Nate got bagels and lox and cream cheese and had a little brunch for us. Sunday night was all you can eat sushi with Lance, Jackie, Calabro, Bill, and Cameron. We stuffed our faces. After sushi Steve and I sat at Mike's and watched tv and ate a ton of Ben and Jerry's. We decided we want to try every single flavor and we are going to check them off on a list as we taste them all. We're fatties. On Monday I got my hair highlighted and cut by Mindy and we had some good quality girl time together. Then I went to Trader Joe's and bought some groceries and cooked dinner for Steve. The next morning I woke-up and Steve had gone to the store and bought all the ingredients to make my favorite breakfast (mushroom and cheese omelet). We cooked the biggest omelet in the world, it had 8 eggs, three kinds of cheese (cheddar, swiss, mozzarella), mushrooms, and onions.
After the omelet, we went to the gym to work it off. Tuesday night, Nate and Mindy took Steve and me out for dinner at Claim Jumpers. We took home some leftovers and that brought up the conversation of how Robert ALWAYS eats everyone's leftovers in the fridge. He ate an entire salad that was mine at the beginning of my trip and he had also eaten an entire piece of salmon that was Steve's. He and his girlfriend also ate almost the entire 3 pints of Ben & Jerry's we had. Steve and I decided to play a trick on Rob to get back at him for eating our leftovers. We took home an extra to-go box and put these buckeyes (chocolate and peanut butter balls) in the box and in the fridge. We "injected" the buckeyes with siracha (really, really hot Japanese sauce). We hoped that Rob would eat one and go crazy, that would teach him not to eat other people's leftovers without asking!
Steve injected the siracha into the buckeyes

Steve and I snuck into the kitchen when it got late and Rob had gone to bed and found that one of the buckeyes was missing! In the morning another one was missing. Rob completely denied eating them! Steve and I think that he might have liked them with the hot sauce and that he is basically a garbage disposal that will eat absolutely anything. That, or he's playing a trick on us and just throwing them away and making us wonder where they are going and if the trick worked. Finally, on Wednesday, I took off for LA. The drive took me about 4 and a half hours and went by pretty fast. I just kept driving, and singing, and taking pictures, and only stopped once to get gas and a snack. I got in at about 7pm and unloaded the entire car. There is crap all over my room still and I feel like I haven't stopped unpacking! I think every time I put something away 10 more things appear. Today I drove to Laguna Beach to hang out with Brian Rubin and his friends. We chilled and went to the beach, it was pretty relaxing. Tomorrow the plan is to go grocery shopping, FINISH unpacking, and hopefully go to lunch with Josh Amir who is a friend I went to high school with who is in town for a film festival. Going to pass out now, good night!

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