Wednesday 30 June 2010

Fourth of July vacation! Day 1

Hey everyone. Thanks for checking out my blog. I thought it'd be a great way to keep my family and friends up to date on everything that's happening with my move to LA. You can also keep in touch with me through my blog and find out what's going on once I move! I hope this will help everyone better understand my decision to move to LA and start a new chapter of my life.

So I arrived in LA last night at about 10:15 pm Cali time. My flight was delayed about an hour, by the time we got on the plane, the power went out so then they had to fix that problem and thank goodness they did because I was freaking out about getting in town so late. As a lot of you already know, I was hit by a van the other day. I'm okay, but I'm really sore and sitting on the plane for over four hours was really hard. I had the flight attendant give me bags of ice and that helped a little. The plane ride wasn't bad, there was hardly any turbulence. We were on a huge plane, I think it was a 747, it was like the planes I take to Israel, maybe a little smaller. Anyways, there was a television at my seat with satellite television for free. I watched HGTV and Nickelodean, and Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami for like 3 and a half hours straight.
That definitely made the flight easier. So, Uncle Jack picked me up at the airport and took me home to his condo. It was great to get in bed, I passed out right away!

Uncle Jack and Aunt Bobbie have been very hospitable and have allowed me to move in with them for a couple months while I save money and look for a place of my own. They have an extra bedroom with a futon and computer table and big closet. Today or tomorrow my uncle is going to take me to Target so I can get some rolling drawers and some other things to make the room a little more homey. Today I called the intern
et company to figure out their wireless and had great success, finally. Tomorrow, I'm headed to Santa Monica to stay with Michele and Dave. I can't wait to meet my cousin Stefani's new baby! She's so gorgeous in all of the pictures and I just know she'll be even more beautiful in person.

So today the plan is to finish unpacking, rearrange my new room and go grocery shopping with Uncle Jack. I also have the goal of making Sammy the dog warm up to me a little bit, last night he growled at me like crazy and he hides every time I come in the room. I don't know why he hates me so much but I'm sure he'll start to like me soon, after all, we are cousins. Ha ha. Sammy is a not so little chihuahua and is cute...kind of.

I just got in from laying by the pool and I'm about to make an Israeli salad to go with dinner tonight. After dinner we're going out for frozen yogurt!


  1. I love your blog and am excited to follow along with your journey! Of course we all miss you already, but I am confident you will love L.A. and L.A. will love you right back!

  2. I can't wait to cuddle my great niece! You're having a good time and I'm so glad. Love you!
