Tuesday 20 July 2010

Birthday Celebration

Wednesday, July 14 was my 22nd birthday and it was amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. My whole family and all of my friends made it so special for me (thank you to everyone!). Wednesday afternoon I got my free car wash and then I went home and packed some more. For dinner, my mom, dad, grandma, aunt Suzi, and I went to dinner at PF Changs. Then we had a bunch of friends over for Just Baked cupcakes. The Richards came over and my Uncle David too. I had a bunch of friends come and that was so great, Ayesha even drove all the way from Lansing to come! After cupcakes, we all went to O'toole's in Royal Oak to celebrate. Matt and Brett met us there and Scott even came too, that was so great to see him. It was so awesome to have so many of my friends together helping me celebrate. Denaa David was a great friend in elementary school and we haven't hung out really since but she came out and that was so fun to catch up with her. In this picture is Ayesha, me, Denaa, and Ashley.
Ayesha and I had breakfast at Toast in the morning before she went back to Lansing.

So I can't believe the move is coming up so quickly! Yesterday my car shipped out and Thursday I go to Vegas. Vegas is going to be a ton of fun. Mitch (Steve's twin) is coming in town on Wednesday too so we can all be together and have a great time. I can't wait to spend time with everyone. I'll probably stay in Vegas from Thursday until Tuesday and then drive to LA. I start my job on August 2. I'll post again when I'm in Vegas!

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